Quality Care
We wish to provide the highest quality of care and to do this we give priority to a number of areas relating to the operation of the home and the services we provide.
Personal and health care
We draw on expert professional guidelines for the services the home provides. In pursuit of the best possible care we will do the following:
- Produce with each resident, regularly update, and thoroughly implement a service user plan of care, based on an initial and then continuing assessment.
- Seek to meet or arrange for appropriate professionals to meet the health care needs of each resident.
- Establish and carry out careful procedures for the administration of residents’ medicines.
- Take steps to safeguard residents’ privacy and dignity in all aspects of the delivery of health and personal care.
- Treat with special care, residents who are dying and sensitively assist them and their relatives at the time of death.
It is clear that service users may need care and help in a range of aspects of their lives. To respond to the variety of needs and wishes of service users, we will do the following:
- Aim to provide a lifestyle for residents which satisfies their social, cultural, religious and recreational interests and needs.
- Help residents to exercise choice and control over their lives.
- Provide meals which constitute a wholesome, appealing and balanced diet in pleasing surroundings and at times convenient to residents.
Concerns, complaints and protection
Despite everything that we do to provide a secure environment, we know that residents may become dissatisfied from time to time and may even suffer abuse inside or outside the home. To tackle such problems we will do the following:
- Provide and, when necessary, operate a simple, clear and accessible complaints procedure.
- Take all necessary action to protect residents’ legal rights.
- Make all possible efforts to protect residents from every sort of abuse and from all various possible abusers.
The environment
The physical environment of the home is designed for residents’ convenience and comfort. In particular, we will do the following:
- Maintain the buildings and grounds in a safe condition.
- Make detailed arrangements for the communal areas of the home to be safe and comfortable.
- Supply toilet, washing and bathing facilities suitable for the residents for whom we care.
- Arrange for specialist equipment to be available to maximise residents’ independence.
- Provide individual accommodation which at least meets the CQC minimum standards.
- See that residents have safe, comfortable bedrooms, with their own possessions around them.
- Ensure that the premises are kept clean, hygienic and free from unpleasant odours, with systems in place to control the spread of infection.
We are aware that the home’s staff will always play a very important role in residents’ welfare. To maximise this contribution, we will do the following:
- Employ staff in sufficient numbers and with the relevant mix of skills to meet residents’ needs.
- Provide at all times an appropriate number of staff with qualifications in health and social care.
- Observe recruitment policies and practices which both respect equal opportunities and protect residents’ safety and welfare.
- Offer our staff a range of training which is relevant to their induction, foundation experience and further development.
Management and administration
We know that the leadership of the home is critical to all its operations. To provide leadership of the quality required, we will do the following:
- Always engage as registered manager a person who is qualified, competent and experienced for the task.
- Offer a management approach which creates an open, positive & inclusive atmosphere.
- Install and operate effective quality assurance and quality monitoring systems.
- Work to accounting and financial procedures that safeguard residents’ interests.
- Offer residents appropriate assistance in the management of their personal finances.
- Supervise all staff regularly and carefully.
- Keep up-to-date and accurate records on all aspects of the home and its residents.
- Ensure that the health, safety and welfare of residents and staff are promoted and protected.